We are a group of teachers that publish ESO textbooks for the English programs. We try to make them simple and easy, but covering the entire curriculum. We only publish books for ESO Mathematics and ESO Technology.
The Authors
After completing secondary education at the Spanish School in London, Gonzalo Morillo Díez graduated from the University of the West of England (Bristol) with a honours degree in mechanical engineering and finished postgraduate studies at the University of Wales. He worked for three years at Rolls Royce and then for various European consultancies. Since September 2004 he teaches Technology in English in secondary education bilingual programs.
José Ángel Mercader Jiménez is PHD in Mathematics and associate university teacher since 2007. Since September 2004 he teaches Mathematics in English in secondary education bilingual programs.
The Editors
Alexander Cano-Yates Heather Adair Mathew Mendoza John Taylor Ann Taylor
Thanks to
Sevasti Nasika for her photos, to Bérénice Miège for her illustrations, to Noelia Calle Hernández and Almudena Gonzalez for the cover designs, to Almudena Santás García for her materials, to Augusto Morillo Fernández for the style revision, to all the teachers that have given advice and to all those who have contributed to make these books a reality.